‘Bloomsday in Oostende’ returns on Friday 16 June! The Portiers van de Oceaan have organised a special Joyce programme for this year’s celebrations and the venue is KAAP on the promenade by the ‘Drie Gapers’..
FRIDAY 16 JUNE 2023 AT 16.00
Geert Lernout, James Joyce and the Sea
Joyce’s last book was supposed to be ‘about the murmuring of the sea’. And while that publication didn’t materialise, his oeuvre is filled to the brim with water, from raindrops to oceans. Geert Lernout provides the perfect introduction to Joyce’s work from a stage overlooking the sea.
Koen Peeters, James Sings a Song in Ostend
James Joyce spent a summer holiday in Ostend in 1926. Might that famous Irishman, surrounded by his family, have felt somewhat melancholy in Ostend? Was Joyce so immersed in the city that he started to sing in the local ‘Oostends’ dialect? Peeters is convinced that he did.
The lecture and performance are in Dutch.
Over to you!
We’ll be giving you the chance to share your favourite Joyce passage with the audience. Bring your books. All languages welcome!
OPTIONAL DRESS CODE: Joyce in Ostend, 1926, a straw hat, blazer, white shirt, walking stick….
For the Dutch press release click here
Info: www.kaap.be & www.ostendiana.be